Sunday, January 20, 2013

Back to Blogging- Reflective Teaching

It has been so long since I have last posted. I guess life has gotten away from me, and I have become consumed with a variety of other things. Teaching, however, remains top on my list. It is easy to become immune to the blessings and joys that each day brings in a classroom, even if it is something as small as one of my students remembering what to do when their pencil breaks and not raising their hand to tell me, as they normally do! There is a quote that I have seen recently that reads, "To teach is to change a life forever." Sure, I think this is true. But even more so, I think that to teach is to have your life changed forever. I have been in this profession for a mere four years, and my life has changed for the better because of my students. Each day I am blessed to be greeted by 27 children skipping in the classroom, smiles plastered on their faces, as they race to see who can make it to the room first. The love that I have for each of my kids (as I call them) is beyond words. They have their moments, as all kids do, but my love for them is that of a mother's love, a spiritual mother. In turn, their love for me is what motivates me each day to put my best foot forward and give them all I have in me, even if I feel like I am less than prepared, less than energized, less than thrilled to be at work that day. I hope in the days to come to chronicle some of the joys and blessings that I encounter on a daily basis with my kids. What moment of joy did you have in your classroom this week? Let's rejoice in these together as we push forward in this new year!


  1. Welcome back! As a welcome back, I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. Glad you are back!
